BS Alert: U.S. – Iran Plotted With Mexican Drug Cartel to Assassinate Saudi Ambassador!

- With the US economy imploding and another financial tsunami looming, the Illuminist power is ratcheting up the terrorism SCAM as a diversion. As in the past, they will use false flag terrorism and other 1984 Emmanuel Goldstein bogeymen to scare the sheeple and divert their attention from their true enemies!
– - The real enemies are the Illuminist money power, the Illuminist privately owned central banking cartel and their minions. They want to start their Satanic World War 3 to get out of the shit hole they have dug themselves into and kill off the sheeple! I still see a false flag (nuclear?) attack on US soil by Illuminist intelligence agencies leading to martial law!
U.S.: Iran Plotted With Mexican Drug Cartel to Assassinate Saudi Ambassador
by Kurt Nimmo,
The United States has accused Iran of plotting to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States and bomb the Saudi embassy in Washington, according to the embattled U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
Holder and the Justice Department claim the plot was hatched in Mexico last May. Two Iranians, Manssor Arbabsiar and Gholam Shakuri, were accused of the attack in court documents, according to the New York Times. The Justice Department claims Iran and Mexican drug cartels worked together on the plot.
Holder said there is “no basis to believe that any other co-conspirators are present in the U.S.” He said the two men are connected to Quds Force, a division of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.
Holder said that money to support the attack had been transferred through a New York bank, but that the men had not yet obtained any explosives. “In addition to holding these individual conspirators accountable for their alleged role in this plot, the United States is committed to holding Iran accountable for its actions,” Holder said.
The Justice Department made the criminal complaint public ahead of a fresh round of sanctions by the U.S. Treasury Department against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which is already sanctioned for its role in overseeing Iran’s nuclear program. The U.S. and Israel accuse Iran of secretly using its nuclear energy program to build nuclear weapons.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has rejected the accusation and characterized it as a “prefabricated scenario.”
Casus Belli? US Accuses Iran Of Plotting Assassination, Attempt To Blow Up Saudi, Israel Embassies
by Tyler Durden,
The war watchers (such as Marc Faber and everyone else who knows what follows an episode of epic Keynesian failure) have just lowered DefCon to level 2 after in a very surprising development the US accused Iran of backing a plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US and to blow up the Saudi and Israel embassies in Washington.
“The plot was part of a $1.5m “international murder-for-hire scheme” that was directly linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, said Eric Holder, attorney-general.” Now, any press report that details Eric Holder being active in any capacity is almost certainly a confirmation of a false flag, although we will gladly reserve judgment for now.
However, if this is indeed the precursor to war, at least CVN 74 and CVN 77 will be quite busy in the next few months. Also, the price chart of Brent will surely to quite surely point from the lower left to the parabolic up.