Veterans Are Against The FedRes! “Nothing Can Stop The Truth!” End The FedRes!
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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[youtube=] “Expect the price of silver to shoot to the moon!” See also: end
The global fiat currency monetary scheme is one giant scam. ‘Money’ is created out of thin air backed by NOTHING! Illuminist central banks create money out of thin air to lend to governments and pretend to be our saviors while enslaving us with their Ponzi schemes! (emphasis mine) – NORMAN LAMONT on why the single currency …
With the US economy imploding and another financial tsunami looming, the Illuminist power is ratcheting up the terrorism SCAM as a diversion. As in the past, they will use false flag terrorism and other 1984 Emmanuel Goldstein bogeymen to scare the sheeple and divert their attention from their true enemies! – The real enemies are the …
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Let me repeat: the Euro will collapse! It is an unworkable artificial Illuminist construct. Its failure is baked in from day 1. It was designed with deep flaws intentionally for the consolidation of power and will be collapsed in favor of the coming One World Currency. Merkozy are preparing the Deutschmark and French Franc for a Euro …
Slovakia has crashed the plans of the Illuminist banksters by voting against the EFSF. It is not just a No but a HELL NO! The world is heading towards a financial earthquake 10.0. Are you prepared or are you a dumbed down sheeple? Got physical gold yet? – Slovakia votes against expanded EFSF ! By Jan Cienski and Josh …
[youtube=] Economist: The Financial System Is Broken And Corrupt. Big Banks Are Crime Gangs. Obama Is Backing De-Criminalization Of Fraud, And Doesn’t Want To Create Jobs, But Instead Wants To Reduce Wages By 30% by The Financial System Is Fundamentally Broken and Corrupt Prominent economist Michael Hudson explains that the financial system is so …