Global Market Meltdown!
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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[googlevideo=] Modern Judaism is not the religion of the Bible! See here! Modern Ashkenazi Jews are not the Jews of the Bible! God’s covenant was with Abraham and his biological descendents. Ashkenazi Jews are not semitic and their ancestors were never in Palestine. They are not the descendents of Abraham/Isaac/Israel. They have no right to …
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The IMF, World Bank, FedRes, BIS, ECB… are all Illuminist banks. Illuminist banksters engineered this current crisis and as always pretend to be saviors by warning us! Their philosophy is to own/control all sides in a conflict to ensure success! The Illuminists are lining up the dominoes and are about to pull the plug on the global economy, financial …
All the signs are pointing to a global economic, financial and monetary collapse. I can’t tell you when but it can happen any day now! The conditions we are in, far eclipse that of the Great Depression. It is easily 10x worse! – Nervous Breakdown? 21 Signs That Something Big Is About To Happen In The …
The financial quakes are coming fast and furious. Practically all major western banks are insolvent. S&P and Moody’s can no longer pull wool over investors eyes for a long time. They have lost credibility with the sub-prime mortgage debacle. These banks should really be rated as junk! – S&P downgrades 7 Italian banks ROME (AP) …
All the talk about US federal debt at 100% of GDP is masking the true state of affairs. Politician snakes will not talk about the GSE liabilities (Fannie, Freddie..etc.) of US$5-6T, Social Security, Medicare … unfunded liabilities. America will never repay all its debts, except via massive creation of money out of thin air! The …
The US monetary system is undoubtedly on the verge of collapse. As the USD is the world reserve currency and the primary currency of international trade, when the US monetary system goes down, the world monetary system will tumble too. The world is overburdened by an insurmountable mountain of debt. The reality is: for the …
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[youtube=] The Bilderberg group is a secular/profane arm of the Illuminati. It is working behind the scenes to bring about the Luciferian New World Order. See organization chart below. end
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Despite its ability to print its own money to pay off its debts, the UK is in economic depression. Creating massive amounts of money out of thin air does not generate economic growth despite what Illuminist central banksters tell you. All it does is stir inflation via currency debasement. Illuminist central banksters like the world to believe that the …
It should be quite obvious now what is about to happen. The collapse will start in the PIIGS, spread to the rest of the Eurozone, onto UK, Japan and finally America. Along the waves of destruction, the rest of the world will not be spared. I do not believe the debt situation in the Eurozone is …
The Illuminists are simply setting up the pieces for a catastrophic collapse. I have warned about the state of most western banks: they are bankrupt! This move by Bank of China is highly disturbing. It further damages whatever credibility these European banks have! It is a matter of when the collapse will begin in the …
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[youtube=] [youtube=] See also: – International Medical Council on Vaccination Refutes Vaccine Propaganda With Myth-Busting Report! Abortion Stillbirth Events From Gardasil Far Exceed All Other Vaccines! Gardasil Researcher Drops A Bombshell ! Drug Expert: Cervical Cancer Vaccine More Deadly Than Cancer it Supposedly Prevents ! Girl Dies Within Hours of Cervical Cancer, Cervarix Vaccine! India …