Alex Jones: The Globalist Final Assault on The Human Species!
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The Illuminist assault on humanity is escalating. They are about to execute their full frontal attacks via World War 3. Of course, this World War will be blamed on Christian / Muslim / Jewish fanatics. It will be blamed on the Chinese Atheist Communists, terrorists, American sheeple etc… These Illuminist social engineers have control of the MSM so that can build any illusion/ lie/fairy tale they need.
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The endgame is close at hand. The Illuminists control/owned almost all the central banks of the world. The few countries which do not submit are targeted for war! World War 3 will depopulate the sheeple and will get rid of the people most oppose to ‘666’ ie: Christians and Muslims! See:
Banks owned or controlled by the Rothschilds
The Rothschild-Owned Central Banks of the World
Only 5 nations left without a Rothschild controlled central bank