LTC Tom Bearden: History of Weather Wars, Scalar Wave Technology, Nikola Tesla, Electro-Gravitational Waves, Kaluza Klein Theory, Woodpecker Grid …
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- This is an interview of LTC Tom Bearden by Bill Jenkins of radio program “OPEN MIND”, radio station KABC. I am not able to determine the date of broadcast, probably in the 1990s.
– - This is a fascinating interview of Dr. Tom Bearden on:
– History of weather warfare
– Scalar longitudinal wave technology
– Nikola Tesla’s discoveries which were hidden
– Relationship between Einstein’s theory and this missing ‘theory’
– Electro-Gravitic waves are scalar waves?
– Kaluza Klein’s 5 dimensions theory
– The Russians were the leaders in scalar technology
– Nikita Khrushchev’s warning about these weapons way back in 1960:
“We have a new weapon, just within the portfolio of our
scientists, so to speak, which is so powerful that, if
unrestrainedly used, it could wipe out all life on earth.
It is a fantastic weapon.”
Khrushchev, to the Presidium, Jan. 1960
– and many more topics…
– - See also:
Lt. Col. Tom Bearden: Weather Modification & Energy Weapons ! The Science Behind It!