⚡ALERT: Drone Bombshell! Nuclear Bombs Smuggled into USA? Radiation Detection Drones Active at Ports
- Drone Mystery Solved . . . . U.S. Military . . . . Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD)
by https://halturnerradioshow.com/
The big mystery about drones being seen all over New Jersey, seems to have been solved: Photos make clear at least some of the drones are PteroDynamics XP-4 trans-wing drones, being developed for the U.S. Navy. Others are nuclear detection drones. The XP-4 is being readied for work picking-up and dropping-off packages to a moving ship, even in high seas and high winds.
As its name implies, it is a trans-wing design, meaning it can switch from an aircraft-type winged flight, to a Quad-copter-type design for Vertical Take Off and Landings (VTOL). Officially, it has a one-hour flight time, but that could have easily been upgraded. It is about 13 feet wide by 6 feet long; closely matching the descriptions provided by so many witnesses.
Very VERY many of the “sightings” and “reports” about these drones show them traveling almost directly up the New Jersey coastline, and, wouldn’t you know it, right where the most reports are coming from – and perfectly along the flight path is . . . . . Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst . . . . Home of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD).
This also explains why drones are appearing every night in much the same area, and sticking around so long; they have a base they can go to to swap batteries all night.
Other- “Strange-Looking” Drones
Not all of the drones being seen are close in description to the XP-4. It seems that __other types __ of drones are also being tested; specifically running nighttime missions between NAWCAD Lakehurst, and a US Navy ship offshore.
One of the types of drones also being flown over NJ and NY are American-made HPGe nuclear-detector drones. They can detect Gamma Rays from miles away. Gamma Rays are a dangerous form of radiation that can penetrate the bodies of living organisms and harm those organisms to varying degrees, depending upon the intensity of the gamma Rays and the duration of exposure.
These HPGe Drones were originally designed to inspect nuclear facilities but that’s **NOT** what these drones are for. These drones are for sweeping a large area, in a grid pattern, to find a POTENTIAL Dirty Bomb or POTENTIAL other nuclear device, POTENTIALLY being smuggled-in to detonate in a terrorist attack.
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