Dr. Mike Yeadon: Just in Case I Haven’t Been Explicit Enough, This Is What I Anticipate Lies Ahead || Depopulation Genocide CBDC ‘666’
- Dr. Mike Yeadon: Just in Case I Haven’t Been Explicit Enough, This Is What I Anticipate Lies Ahead
Now, I’m well aware this is terrifying and a common reaction is to dismiss it. However, it fits horribly well with what we know already. I’m probably able to imagine it because parts of it are already proven in my mind (the intentional harms from the totally superfluous injections).
I continue to recommend two things.
1. Invest your own time & thought into waking up others. Be selfless. It’s your best defence to dilute what’s coming, as more people will become allies in unpredictable ways.
2. Do something rather than nothing to prepare for a period of discontinuity. I’m talking basic food and water, basic meds, some things you can barter with, some skills you might have, something to defend yourself with, better yet, a safe place to be if the SHTF. If you’re already a grower, great. Grow stuff. I don’t think I can do that. I’m not in one place long enough. You might be bored on a narrow diet, but enough calories and nutrients plus clean water means you can sustain yourself for some considerable time. Time means you don’t HAVE to go out into the melee when it’s at its worst. If there are people you can trust with your life, talk with them. Get right with the power in your universe that is important for you.
If nothing happens, laugh.
Unfortunately, the way I see it, the perpetrators of the ongoing “covid super crime” need do nothing more than to play out their existing hand, to reduce the population to any value they choose. Here’s my near term summary of what I think they’re up to:
1. A new event will trigger obligatory digital ID (eg for rations).
2. If 1. isn’t a financial crisis, one of which they can trigger at any time, will destroy all sovereign currencies and steal almost all private property (David Rogers Webb). Total dependence upon the state in order even to be fed. CBDC (digital-only money) introduced.
3. Lies about a wave of pandemics. Pharma will pretend to make mRNA vaccines. Govts will mandate them (if WHO hadn’t already done so). Digital ID validity will depend upon being up to date on jabs. No jab, no food. CBDC simply won’t work.
4. Rinse and repeat until population reaches their desired levels. I think it’s likely many countries will be completely emptied, removing the need for the authorities to have to pretend that recovery is even the dream, let alone intent.
The perpetrators have such control of main media and almost all internet traffic. If we reach point 1. without insurrection, we’re done in any case.
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