NATO War, Biden Still 8%, CxV1x9 Vwax Crazy
- NATO War, Biden Still 8%, CV19 Vax Crazy
by Greg Hunter’s (WNW 632 5.3.24)
Another step closer to nuclear war with Russia was put forth this week when it was announced that Ukraine would be joining NATO as early as July. Article 5 in NATO basically says all for one and one for all. So, when Russia attacks Ukraine after they join NATO, will all NATO countries go to war with Russia? In 1991, NATO promised that Ukraine would never join the alliance. This is broken promise on the road to perdition. Jesus come quickly and save us all. (This is NOT a joke.)
When you look at President Biden’s true approval rating, it is stuck at low 8%. This explains a lot. It explains all the lawfare cases against Donald Trump. It explains all the crazy voter fraud legislation in several “blue” states, and it explains why the chances for a big war are increasing. 8% means Biden cannot win in November without massive cheating and/or a war caused by desperate criminals from the swamp.
There is mounting evidence that the CV19 mRNA bioweapon injections are causing dementia along with a multitude of other severe life-threatening health problems. Could this be the cause of some of the crazy things we are seeing from acts of road rage to public displays of creepy ranting on the internet. Add it to the list of evil things that were done to an unsuspecting public in the name of health. In fact, the CV19 injections did not help a single person and are continuing to leave a wide path of death and disability. The public continues to wake up to the CV19 bioweapon vax nightmare.