‘Not Looking For A Significant Escalation’ – Israel Threatens Imminent Response To Iranian Attack, Then Walks It Back
- ‘Not Looking For A Significant Escalation’ – Israel Threatens Imminent Response To Iranian Attack, Then Walks It Back
by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/
Summary:- Iran sent 170 drones, 120 ballistic missiles and 30 cruise missiles – carrying a combined 60 tonnes of explosive material – into Israel
- Iran violated Iraqi and Jordanian airpsace
- Israel and its allies – including the US – shot down 99% of the Iranian munitions
- The attack caused minor damage to Nevatim air base, in southern Israel, and one young girl from a Bedouin town in the south was hospitalized for severe shrapnel injuries
- “We intercepted. We thwarted. Together we will win,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted on X.
- Israel and its allies reportedly viewed the event as a “win.”
- The G7 condemned Iran’s “direct and unprecedented attack against Israel” and warning of an “uncontrollable regional escalation.”
- Iran threatened attacks on US bases in the MidEast if Washgton joins in any counter-offensive.
- De-escalation – The Israeli war cabinet voted to “exact a price from Iran in a manner and at a time that is right,” but not immediately, according to US officials.
- “We don’t want to see this escalate,” US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said, adding that “we’re not looking for a wider war with Iran.”
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