Globalist Death Cult’s ‘Trans’-Human Digital Agenda Demands Your Submission, Or Else…
- Globalist Death Cult’s ‘Trans’-Human Digital Agenda Demands Your Submission, Or Else…
It’s rare, but every now and then you come across someone who seems to fully understand the anti-human nature of the globalist agenda being pushed on society today by the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, et al.
It’s an agenda which I believe is a form of global techno-fascism. Imagine the Nazi Third Reich with the power of today’s artificial intelligence run by super-computers. If that same ideology were alive today, and I believe it is, what you would ultimately end up with is a rising Fourth Reich positioning itself for total domination of all tribes and tongues. We’ve seen the antisemitism that is inherent in this system in recent weeks. We’ve seen it on college campuses, where the whole “trans” movement has been fueled. We’ve seen the ugly chants being spouted on our city streets. We see it in the world’s fastest-growing religion, Islam. All of these various factions share one thing in common, they demand our submission.
We also saw during the pandemic how the globalists positioned their minions to exert almost full control over human activity, clamping down on our freedom of movement, telling us where we could and could not meet, with how many and for how long. They told us which businesses were “essential” and which were not. They exerted control over our gathering together to worship. They tried to control our economic activity (only shop at big-box stores not those dirty independent shops). They discouraged the use of cash, and controlled our healthcare decisions (you must get a never-ending schedule of injections of a mystery substance with secret ingredients). Talk about submission, they wanted us to all have an app on our phones that would identify us as one of their slaves, who is perpetually up to date on our shots and approved for travel and entry into various public venues. The mantra of UN Agenda 2030 is “No person will be left behind” by this system.
Few people see the whole ugly picture of what’s happening. They cannot connect the dots. They’re confused by all the players and their many demands. Laura Aboli is a citizen of the UK with a background in entrepreneurial business and intelligence gathering.
In response to this emerging spirit of global control demanding mass submission, Aboli founded the United Democratic International Movement for Awareness and Freedom in 2020. She said something was needed to counteract the fear and the mind control that was leading people to willingly accept the unacceptable – the loss of their freedom, the restriction of civil rights and the imposition of a “new normal” based on separation, alienation, disconnection and total control by a group of elite globalist billionaires.
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