9/11: A Treasonous, US Government-Directed, False Flag, Terror Operation Carried Out To Tyrannize The American People!
- 9/11: A Treasonous, US Government-Directed, False Flag, Terror Operation Carried Out To Tyrannize The American People!
by State of the Nation, via https://www.theburningplatform.com/
Nothing changes until the well-concealed perpetrators are aggressively prosecuted and severely punished for the transparent US government-sponsored, false flag, terrorist attacks!
Editor’s Note: The following exposés and essays, analyses and papers, articles and commentaries on the 9/11 false flag terrorist attacks represent an irrefutable body of hard evidence that could convict the entire NWO cabal that carried out that black operation and global psyop.
As a prelude to these essential posts, the citizens’ indictment the follows was written by this Alt Media platform during the week of September 11, 2001. Of course, the obvious observations that were made that week have all been categorically proven by many high-integrity 9/11 crime investigators and scientific researchers.
Now here’s the skeleton of that indictment written during September of 2001 which has been since fleshed out by the SOTN 9/11 Investigation Team over the past 22 years.
read more.