The Federal Reserve Just Made An Emergency Decision Which Will Fundamentally Change Banking In America Forever
- The Federal Reserve Just Made An Emergency Decision Which Will Fundamentally Change Banking In America Forever
(OPINION) Did you think that the Federal Reserve would just stand by and watch the U.S. banking system completely collapse? In response to the stunning failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, the Federal Reserve announced a rescue plan on Sunday evening that is going to radically change banking in America forever.
All deposits at Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank will be fully guaranteed and will be available on Monday. Of course, the Federal Reserve can’t just make an exception for these two banks. If they are going to do this for them, that means that they are going to have to do it for everyone else too.
So what this means is that from this point forward the Federal Reserve is essentially promising to guarantee every bank account in America. Considering the fact that more than 19 trillion dollars is deposited with U.S. banks, that is quite a promise to make.
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