WEF Globalists Meeting in Davos Next Week Warn of War, Economic Collapse, ‘New Virus’: Are The Four Horsemen Ready to Ride?

- WEF Globalists Meeting in Davos Next Week Warn of War, Economic Collapse, ‘New Virus’: Are The Four Horsemen Ready to Ride?
by https://leohohmann.com/
What happens when the peasants can’t afford bread, and the circuses aren’t all that entertaining? Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge examines that question with regard to Davos elites who are huddling this coming week, January 16-20, under the banner of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. Nothing good can come of such circumstances and the elites know it.
The WEF cult looks at the current global volatility and worries about “catastrophic outcomes.” Durden writes:
“Which is why the cost-of-living crisis is the #1 problem, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report – an annual poll of 1,200 government, business and civil society professionals.”
According to the poll, there will be little respite from “energy inflation, food and security crises” in the coming years. In the near term, nearly 70 percent of those polled say volatile economies and various “shocks” are in the cards, while about 20 percent say they fear “catastrophic outcomes” within the next 10 years, according to Bloomberg. This is the “angrier world” that the WEF warned about at its 2022 meeting.
But now the stakes are higher because more of us regular folks are waking up and learning about the true agenda of the WEF’s Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution. They intend to digitally enslave the world in a total surveillance state based on a global digital ID (likely disguised as vaccine passports) and a global digital currency to replace cash.
The agenda for this year’s meeting includes topics ranging from cryptocurrencies, racism, climate, artificial intelligence, and major “structural changes” to the internet, likely involving new ways to control and shut down content they don’t like. The globalists are so worried about angry protesters at this year’s Davos meeting that soldiers from the Swiss Army have been hired to protect participants from harassment.
The Swiss Defense Department released a statement on January 6 confirming the Federal Assembly, the country’s Parliament, had approved the deployment of the Swiss Army, according to a report by the German-language news outlet Blick.
Last year, you’ll recall, the thugs hired to provide security at Davos detained and harassed conservative journalist Jack Posobiec for several hours. We later discovered that those “security guards” were actually Swiss Army soldiers, as the WEF contracted with the Swiss government to provide up to 5,000 soldiers for WEF annual meetings from 2022 through 2024.
As the world wakes up to Klaus Schwab and his WEF cult members, the event has now taken drastic measures to counter expected protest rallies. At least two requests for protest rallies had been submitted to the city of Davos as of last Friday, Blick reports. Saadia Zahidi, the WEF managing director, told Bloomberg that the world may be entering a “vicious cycle,” stating:
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