NYC Grocery Stores Consider Locking Up Food Due to Rampant Theft; Workers Are ‘Traumatized’

- NYC Grocery Stores Consider Locking Up Food Due to Rampant Theft; Workers Are ‘Traumatized’
by Matteo Cina | Fox News
With grand larcenies up 80%, grocery store owners have banded together to form the Collective Action to Protect our Stores in an attempt to fight back against thieves and government inaction.
Shampoo, toothpaste, and razor blades are all items that grocery stores have increasingly started locking behind counters. Soon, that list might include food. “People have no fear of coming to your store and stealing,” said Nelson Eusebio of the National Supermarket Association. “Our employees are terrified,” Eusebio continued. “We have young people that come to work, young cashiers who work part-time, these kids are 16-17 years old. They’re traumatized.”
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