19 Doctors in Quebec Call for an Immediate End to Vaccinating Children for COVID
- 19 Doctors in Quebec Call for an Immediate End to Vaccinating Children for COVID
by Steve Kirsch, https://stevekirsch.substack.com/
It was the right thing to do. Bravo to them for doing this. Dr. Makis tells the CMA about 80 dead Canadian doctors and hear nothing back.
See the full story here. This is progress!
COVID data repository
There is a nice repository of COVID related info here.
80 young doctors in Canada have died since the vax rollout
Here’s a story about the 80 doctor deaths in Canada collected by William Makis. I called Dr. Makis and asked him if he’s heard back from the CMA on the letter he wrote them. “Of course not!”
Canadians are rejecting the booster
And a story about how people in Ontario are rejecting the booster. They are no longer blindly following insane medical advice. This is more evidence that things just aren’t going as planned. Think about it… only 16% are getting the jabs despite the fact that there is no safety data available! Now, you’d expect that since there is no safety data available, that there would be 100% compliance wouldn’t you? After all, we are talking NO safety data!
read more.