Biden Regime Taking Us Full Steam Ahead Into A Nuclear World War 3 – Nuclear Countries Now Taking Sides And Team Russia Has More Nukes Than The U.S. Proxy, Team Ukraine
- Biden Regime Taking Us Full Steam Ahead Into A Nuclear World War 3 – Nuclear Countries Now Taking Sides And Team Russia Has More Nukes Than The U.S. Proxy, Team Ukraine
by Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine
Russia is the boogeyman: This has been the story told to Americans as long as I can remember and I am getting close to hitting 58 years-old. From the Cuban Missile Crisis to the 2016 presidential election, all we have ever heard is how horrible Russia is. Granted, Russia, nor its leaders have ever been “choir boys,” without any dirt on their hands, and as an American, I would personally never want someone like Russia President Vladimir Putin as a leader here in America.
John 8:7 – “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
With that said, as the U.S. has military bases surrounding Russia and China, for years encroaching onto their part of the world, butting into the business of other nations, specifically countries that are more in line, and geographically closer to Russia than the U.S.
We helped overthrow the pro-Russia Ukraine Government during the Obama era, and helped replace it with leaders more friendly to the U.S. and hostile to Russia. We have kept our nose in their business ever since.
If as you read the information above, you asked yourself “Is she a Russian apologist,? then you are part of the problem, and have let the MSM fill your head with so much propaganda you cannot even see that I am not focused on Russia here, but rather the games the U.S. government has played, under both political parties, in trying to literally control the world.
So, am I anti-America? Hell no, I love America.
What I don’t love is U.S. leaders thinking they have the right to force the rest of the world to live by our standards, our rules, our determination of what is right or wrong. If they don’t obey like good little puppies, they are sanctioned or penalized in some other way.
A Financial Times headline, and sub-header, highlights the Biden regimes audacity, stating: “US threatens to punish third parties helping Moscow evade sanctions – Washington says it is ready to widen net with ‘secondary’ restrictions on actors outside Russia”
This isn’t new, but is brings into focus the arrogance of U.S. leaders in attempting to force sovereign nations to do our bidding, by threatening them regarding what side they take in the war between Russia and Ukraine.
read more.