Serbian President Warns of “Great World Conflict” Within Two Months — WW3
Aleksandar Vucic, President of Serbia:
Within a month or two, the world may enter into a military conflict not seen since World War II.
— Спринтер (@Sprinter88000) September 21, 2022
- We have WW3 coming, Global Financial-Currency Crisis approaching, Hyperinflation starting, Famine triggered … so what are the sensible actions to take?
– - First, STOCK UP on FOOD and basic necessities. Even if food shortage don’t strike your area because the supply chains are collapsing, hyperinflation means prices are rising rapidly. Stocking up on food in a hyperinflation environment is common sense. We all need to survive.
– - Secondly, buy physical gold/silver and get your money out of the banks. In a situation when the banks are unable to give you your money because of hyperinflation, there will be bank shut downs. It also means that once you get your money a few days later, a hamburger will be $1000/-, you get the picture?
– - Thirdly, avoid staying near any NATO military base in Europe because they will be the primary targets of Russian nuclear attacks. Like stay at least 100km away from such bases. If the western Illuminati goes ahead with Operation BlackJack 2.0, something like 6-8 cities in the West will be nuked by dirty bombs. Some of the cities that are hinted at: Los Angeles, London, New York, Toronto, Chicago, New Mexico … For the record, I have NO information whether they will do so.
– - Serbian President Warns of “Great World Conflict” Within Two Months
by Paul Joseph Watson, situation since WWII.
The President of Serbia has warned that the planet is entering into a “great world conflict” that could take place within the next two months.
Aleksandar Vucic made the alarming comments during the first day of the UN General Assembly session in New York. “You see a crisis in every part of the world,” Vucic told the Serbian state broadcaster RTS. “I think realistic predictions ought to be even darker,” he added. “Our position is even worse, since the UN has been weakened and the great powers have taken over and practically destroyed the UN order over the past several decades.”
The Serbian leader cautioned that the war between Russia and Ukraine had moved on to a far deadlier phase. “I assume that we’re leaving the phase of the special military operation and approaching a major armed conflict, and now the question becomes where is the line, and whether after a certain time – maybe a month or two, even – we will enter a great world conflict not seen since the Second World War,” he said.
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