They’re Going To Enact The Digital Mark And Force Us All Into Slavery – Tyranny Is Here When Government Can ‘Just Turn Off Your Money’ To Force You To Comply With Their Agendas
- They’re Going To Enact The Digital Mark And Force Us All Into Slavery – Tyranny Is Here When Government Can ‘Just Turn Off Your Money’ To Force You To Comply With Their Agendas
by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die,
In this important new story over at WND that Steve Quayle linked to on his website Thursday morning they report on an interesting new development about to unfold in America that if Robert Kiyosaki, investment guru and author of the personal finance book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” and former CIA employee and economist Jim Rickards are correct, will completely ‘reset’ America’s monetary system in what Kiyosaki called ‘the most treasonous act in US history‘.
With Kiyosaki and Rickards warning December 13th marked the date when Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14067 – Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, signed on March 9th of 2022, would do away with our current monetary system, as that WND story reports, when that warned of day happens, “paper money would be worthless and the U.S. dollar would crash.“
Ushering in a new ‘digital age‘ in which ‘money‘ could be much more easily ‘controlled‘ than the current dollar system, while we here at ANP absolutely hate to put definitive ‘dates‘ on potential future events that we have no control over, it’s alarming what the WND story reports this new system will allow ‘government’ to do, quite literally allowing them to ‘turn off‘ our ‘money‘ if we don’t ‘comply‘ with their agendas.
Turning America into something that looks a lot like what’s happening now in China where their social credit system allows ‘govt’ to give poor scores to people who don’t go along with their agenda, quite literally allowing them to ‘punish‘ their citizens and take away freedoms, as one ANP reader warned us while sending us that WND story via email, “Could be the reason for hiring 87000 new irs agents. Could also be the reason why our govt has cranked out hundreds of billions in the last year. Use the fiat to buy up everything, then crash the system. Enact the digital “mark” and force all of us into slavery.
read more.