Absolute Proof Globalists Knew It Could ‘Take Years For All Hell To Break Loose’ Following Release Of A ‘New Vaccine’, Setting World Up For Their ‘V_ax End Game’: Death And Depopulation
- Absolute Proof Globalists Knew It Could ‘Take Years For All Hell To Break Loose’ Following Release Of A ‘New Vaccine’, Setting World Up For Their ‘Vax End Game’: Death And Depopulation
by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die, https://allnewspipeline.com/Home.php
While double-vaxxed and double-boosted Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID once again, the latest proof to Americans that the vax never worked to prevent COVID and the latest evidence to the so-called ‘anti-vaxxers‘ that their judgement in not taking the hastily created shot was correct, if only Dr. Anthony Fauci had listened to his own words from back in February of 1999.
With Fauci speaking in the video we’ve embedded directly below during the entire AIDS mess, as the announcer to the brief video leads off before Fauci enters, “Many scientists are beginning to believe that a vaccine against AIDS may be impossible to make and too dangerous to test.”
Fauci then enters, claiming the following words of advice he and other so-called ‘experts‘ definitely should have paid attention to over the past couple of years but must have, conveniently, ‘forgotten‘.
“If you take it and then a year goes by and everybody’s fine then you say okay, that’s good, now let’s give it to 500 people. And then a year goes by and everything’s fine, say, well now let’s give it to thousands of people. And then you find out that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose and then what have you done.”
Proving to us that way back then in 1999, more than 23 years ago now, that he fully understood that sometimes, it takes 10 or more years for the ‘end game‘ of such ‘vaccines‘ to come out, then why were he, Biden and the globalists in such a mad rush to get people to take a new vax in the modern era, when he fully understood back then it might take ‘12 years for all hell to break loose?‘
read more.