Biden Eschews Diplomacy, Chooses Path to War with Iran
- Biden Eschews Diplomacy, Chooses Path to War with Iran
There can now be little doubt—if there ever was any—that Washington’s intransigence is preventing the Iran nuclear deal’s restoration. Even in the face of an unending series of new U.S. sanctions, Israeli bombings in Syria, as well as Tel Aviv’s repeated covert operations, cyberattacks, drone strikes, and murders inside Iran itself, Tehran has remained steadfastly committed to diplomacy. Paying an immense political cost, the so-called hardliners in Tehran, led by President Ebrahim Raisi, even made the unprecedented decision to drop their demands for the elite military unit, the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), to be delisted from the State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) blacklist.
The Iranians called Biden’s bluff.
In yet another sign that they earnestly wish to conclude the essentially finalized deal, Tehran even purged their negotiating team of hardliners. Whereas the Americans went into last week’s Doha talks with “very low expectations,” and reportedly offered Iran no guarantees of economic benefits. After Doha, it looks as though Biden’s team will only continue to prove they were lying all along about rejoining the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). This permanently aggressive policy will surely kill the deal, increase regional tensions, stoke war, and once again soil America’s reputation for future diplomatic endeavors.
Since 2019, the IRGC has been the only state military organization on this FTO blacklist. Former president and ultra-Zionist Donald Trump made the provocative move precisely because it is what the neocons, Tel Aviv, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, and Manama wanted. The FTO issue is designed to keep the Democrats from ever returning to the JCPOA. The neocons’ “sanctions wall” plan is working well.
The State Department has cynically pretended it is Tehran that has irrevocably stalled talks, laughably suggesting they want to “bury” the deal because of their refusal to budge on this allegedly “extraneous” issue. Tellingly, the Biden team has yet to acknowledge the massive concession. In fact, it is rare to see any mention of this critical news even in the independent media, let alone the corporate press. Those interested would have to read Middle East Eye,, or the Libertarian Institute to even know Tehran dropped this understandable demand.
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