In Dramatic Testimony, Director Of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray Admits To 400 UFO Sightings And 11 Actual Encounters With Unidentified Flying Objects
- In Dramatic Testimony, Director Of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray Admits To 400 UFO Sightings And 11 Actual Encounters With Unidentified Flying Objects
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Pentagon admits in stunning testimony to 400 sightings of UFOs with 11 verified encounters with the unidentified pilots of aircraft that are ten times faster than anything ever created by United States aerospace technology.
Testimony on Capitol Hill has commenced, with the Pentagon admitting that they have recorded 400 sightings of UFOs with 11 actual encounters with whomever is flying those aircrafts they are unable to identify. But it’s a moot point, actually when you consider that Naval jet pilots have been saying for years they have encountered them, with the fastest jets ever created unable to even come close to catching them or even keep even with them. Can anyone say Days of Noah?
“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.” Luke 17:26 (KJB)
If you are a King James Bible believer, you know exactly what you’re seeing. We needn’t worry about little green men, or the greys, or any other such nonsense. We are dealing with the prophesied return of the fallen angels and their bastard hybrid children the giants. Who told us this was coming? Jesus tells us that in the gospels, and the return of these beings is to prepare the world to receive the ‘strong delusion’ from 2 Thessalonians 2:11 after He catches His Bride up and away in the clouds from 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18. Yes, the aliens are coming and indeed are now here among us, but that’s fine. Because we who are saved are about to leave on Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines. How do you like that for a UFO?
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