On Europe Day 2022, Emmanuel Macron Stuns By Calling For Creation Of A New European Political Body To Rival The European Union And With More Power
- On Europe Day 2022, Emmanuel Macron Stuns By Calling For Creation Of A New European Political Body To Rival The European Union And With More Power
by https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/
Emmanuel Macron has called for a new political organisation to unite democracies on the European continent, as he warned that Ukraine would probably not join the EU for several decades.
Europe Day is a day to celebrate peace and unity throughout Europe. On this day, according to the official site, it is our collective duty to revitalize the European dream and re-invigorate European integration. COVID-19 has proven to us however that to protect the lives and health of citizens and preserve our economy, the European Union must take robust actions, proportionate to the dangers threatening us. Therefore, we call on liberals to join us in mobilising local politicians and civil society for a large pro-European movement on 9 May to celebrate European unity and peace. Emmanuel Macron used today to call for the creation of a new European political group with real power, with him ostensibly as its leader.
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (KJB)
Every time the man opens his mouth to speak, he moves himself one step closer to the biblical man of sin that we have been telling you he likely is. In 2017, Emmanuel Macron said his desire was to “rule Europe like the god Jupiter”, and today during Europe Day 2022 celebrations, Macron reiterated his desire to do just that.
Macron calls for new European body and warns Ukraine of EU wait
FROM THE GUARDIAN UK: Speaking two days after being sworn in for a second term as French president, Emmanuel Macron called for big thinking on the future of Europe, saying the war in Ukraine showed the need for a “historic process of reflection”.
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