Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
In 2015, New York Times Calls Ukraine’s “AZOV Regiment” Openly Nazi; Today NYT Calls Same Regiment “Far Right” by HAL TURNER, In the year 2015, the New York Times, reporting on the troubles in Ukraine that overthrew Democratically-elected President Viktor Yanukovich, reported the following about Ukraine’s AZOV Regiment, which was one of the groups …
Did Libya attacked USA-NATO?? No! Was Libya ever a threat to USA-NATO? NO! Why was it OK for USA-NATO to destroy Libya?? end
"I was the one who suggested the bombing of Belgrade. I was who suggested to send American pilots and blow up all the bridges over the Danube"..Joe Biden, 1999 — Geo_monitor (@colonelhomsi) March 16, 2022 Video Shows Biden Confessing He Proposed Bombing of Peaceful City of Belgrade in NATO Op in Yugoslavia by Svetlana …