NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: After First Denying It, The Biden Administration Amazingly Now Admits The Presence Of Bioweapons In Ukraine Biolabs
- NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: After First Denying It, The Biden Administration Amazingly Now Admits The Presence Of Bioweapons In Ukraine Biolabs
by On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, conspiracy theory is once again proved to be truth as the Joe Biden administration first denied, and now admits, that there actually are secret Ukrainian bioweapons in Ukrainian biolabs, and not only that, the labs are funded by the United States. So why has there been a full-on media campaign over the past 48 hours to “debunk” a story that is actually true?
After first issuing a full-throated denial of deadly pathogens in Ukraine biolabs funded by the United States, the Biden administration now turns around and admits it’s true.
With Russian President Vladimir Putin showing no sign of backing down on his country’s assault on Ukraine, US officials are trying to prevent the Russian military from capturing pathogens stored in US-affiliated research labs in Ukraine, where they could potentially mischaracterize activities at the facilities. It’s an urgent task, given that the director of the US military program that works with Ukrainian public and animal health labs said some are in cities now under attack. Why did the Biden administration deny this before then admitting it was true?
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