Everything You See Going On In the World Right Now is Pushing Toward Implementation of Global Digital ID And Global Digital Money System: The Fourth Reich is Rising
- Everything You See Going On In the World Right Now is Pushing Toward Implementation of Global Digital ID And Global Digital Money System: The Fourth Reich is Rising
by https://leohohmann.com/
Let’s not forget the big picture amid all the noise of the “news” this week about war and trucker convoys and staggering inflation.
Let’s stay focused on the broader issue of what’s going on and calmly prepare for the logical progression of where this is all leading. I say this because it’s beginning to look like God is allowing end-times scenarios prophesied in the Bible to come to pass.
Globalist power elites have clearly pushed the button on their long-awaited “final solution,” to use Bill Gates’ phraseology. Maybe it’s better described as their final stage or end-game scenario.
Whatever you wish to call it, we are witnessing the final chess moves in the globalists’ long-planned takedown of Western civilization, which they want to replace with a transformed, transhumanist, godless, wicked-to-the-core new world order under which they control everything.
When a group of conspirators is in the final stages of a coup d’état, when they believe they have checkmated every conceivable opposition, they are no longer afraid to reveal their true nature. They have bared their authoritarian fangs, ala Justin Trudeau, and are proud of it. They are no longer worried about elections (what a quaint thought). They also do not seem at all concerned about outbursts of peaceful protests, where citizens flood into the streets with signs and chants, or ride into town on heavy trucks.
They will use whatever means necessary to clinch the deal and implement their new world order, aka “Great Reset.” They will use pandemics, bioweapons, climate change hysteria, cyber attacks, false-flag attacks and even world war if that’s what it takes to finalize the destruction of Western civilization. This is all justified in their eyes so they can “build back better” on the ashes of that once-great civilization. They sense that after more than 75 years of cultural Marxist propaganda attacks, that this once-dominant civilization has grown weak and soft. In short, they smell blood in the water and are ready to pounce. It is time.
Much of what I’ve been reporting for the last two years has been about how the pandemic is being used as a bludgeoning tool to usher in two things, a global digital ID system and a global digital money system, both of which will be used as hammers to force people worldwide into the biblical beast system. There’s a strong argument to be made that this beast system will closely resemble Hitler’s Third Reich, only it will be much worse because today’s power elites, who think almost exactly like those Nazis of the 1930s, have so much more technology at their disposal. They have artificial intelligence to spy on us and predict our thoughts, and they have gene editing and gene therapies to create their super humans devoid of any human compassion or ability to think critically and independently. Orders are given and orders are followed. Those troublesome free wills inherent in the old humans have been largely stamped out, and they can deal harshly with the remaining troublemakers while being cheered on by the new transhumans who have joined their cult.
read more.
