Are You Ready for the Big New War? You Damn Well Better Be
- Are You Ready for the Big New War? You Damn Well Better Be
For the past eight years, I’ve been trying to deliver a message to my people from the Russian people, and from their leader, Vladimir Putin. Immensely powerful forces in the western world do not want you to receive this message. Consequently, almost everything you read, hear, or see is crafted, purposefully, to convince you Putin and Russia are our enemies. The hawks in the west have calculated for decades now, and they’re willing to gamble on the most dangerous crapshoot in history as I type this.
I won’t regurgitate here, about the people who run our society from the top-down. Having ensured the Russians will be our foes, forever, until the end time, their machinations are well documented. I have researched and written about this (in many languages), as much as anyone alive. So, what I want to convey to you today, is that those end times are closer than ever with the current administration’s provocative stance on Russian concerns in eastern Europe. The ‘machine’ that is American hegemony, business, and militarism, is about to auto-pilot us all into a very real Armageddon. I know, you’ve read this before from the fear mongers. But today, there is a great reason to be afraid.
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