Doctor Observes CxVID-Jab_bed Patients Appear to Emit A BlueTxxth MAC-Address Digital ID??
- WakeUpPlanet
Physician Luis Benito explains the steps he took, and the observations he made, to record bluetooth-addresses showing on his mobile ‘phone when patients – some of whom had covid jabs – came for appointments. This video is translated into English. To do the experiment yourself, a mobile ‘phone may apparently need an application that detects all bluetooth devices, including the unnamed ones, and an environment free of all other bluetooth devices.
- Nelson Walters
Digital ID will be a ball and chain. It is a diabolical plan to control your soul created by global billionaires and groups like the World Economic Forum. A plan to give control over your everyday like to men like Bill Gates. What are the steps in the process, and at what point are you going to obey scripture and “come out of her, oh my people?” Watch this episode of Last Days Breaking News with Nelson Walters to better understand what is coming and what to do about it.