Europe Doesn’t Want War With Russia Over Ukraine (Full Show)
- RT America
Presidents Putin and Macron of Russia and France respectively met in Moscow for talks on how to diffuse the tense diplomatic situation that remains volatile in turbulent Ukraine. RT’s Don Courter reports. Then “Boom Bust” co-host Rachel Blevins shares her insights on the meeting, after first discussing top-level negotiations between President Biden and Germany’s new Chancellor Olaf Scholz to discuss the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Then Prof. Peter Kuznik weighs in on the possibility of France splitting with NATO to broker a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia. He points out that “NATO is somewhat divided already” and argues that further NATO expansion is irresponsible and multiplies the likelihood of nuclear war. (01:07)
As the US continues to stoke fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, thousands of Ukrainians are reportedly applying for “Polish cards.” The documents would identify them as Poles and exempt them from military service. For it’s part, Poland has agreed to station US troops freshly deployed to Russia’s doorstep ahead of the invasion imagined by Washington. Meanwhile, President Orban of Hungary, also a NATO member, has been pushing for rapprochement with Russia. It also vetoed recent attempts by the Ukrainian government to draw closer to NATO. RT America’s Alex Alex Mihailovich reports. (13:54)
US State Dept. spokesman Ned Price faced another rabid press pool as a war-hungry Bloomberg accidentally announced “Live: Russia invades Ukraine ” before hastily withdrawing the admitted editorial error on its site. David Swanson, executive director of World Beyond War shares his insights. (17:43)
#QuestionMore #RTAmerica #TheNewsOnRTAmerica
00:00 Full Show
01:07 Macron & Putin Meeting
13:54 Avoiding War With Russia
17:43 “Invasion”