Israel And The Silent Genocide of Palestinian Children
- Israel And The Silent Genocide of Palestinian Children
by Sayid Marcos Tenório,
It seems commonplace to say that Palestinian children are the preferred target of the genocide and ethnic cleansing policies carried out by Israel throughout the 74 years of colonial occupation in Palestine. Palestinian children are permanent victims of rape, arrest and murder, whether they are away from home enjoying everyday activities, such as playing in the streets or attending school, or at home in the middle of the night.The United Nations Children’s Emergency International Fund (UNICEF) published a report in 2013 in which it points out that the mistreatment of Palestinian children in the Israeli military detention system is widespread, systematic and institutionalised.
The frantic ethnic cleansing, which includes the murder of Palestinian children, did not end with the Nakba in 1948. It also did not end with the carnage that took place on 9 April, 1948, in the sleepy village of Deir Yassin, located on the outskirts of Jerusalem, when the Haganah paramilitary militia deliberately murdered 254 Palestinians. Among the victims, whose bodies were burned and thrown into a well, elders and children were beheaded, including 30 babies, and pregnant women were disembowelled by white weapons. Two of the leaders of the slaughter, Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, became prime ministers of Israel.
The number of children murdered by Israeli terrorism is staggering. According to a non-governmental organisation (NGO), If Americans Knew, at least 2,342 Palestinian children were killed between 2000 and 2021. Most of these children were killed and injured while carrying out normal daily activities such as going to school, playing, shopping or simply being in their homes. In 2021, 87 children were murdered.
During that same period, Israel murdered 10,304 Palestinians of all ages, who died due to air and ground attacks or indiscriminate fire from Israeli soldiers. These figures do not include a significant number of injured Palestinians who died due to the closures of Gaza’s roads and border, deliberately making medical aid impossible.
“In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, of Hebrew University, a biologist, published the first extensive study of DNA and the origin of the Jews. Her research found that virtually all the Jews came from Khazar blood. Not only that but Oppenheim discovered that the Palestinians—the very people whom the Jews had been persecuting and ejecting from Israel’s land since 1948—had more Israelite blood than did the Jews. In sum, the vast majority of the Jews were not Jews; some of the Palestinians were. Some of the Palestinians even had a DNA chromosome which established that they were “Cohens”—workers at the ancient Temple and synagogues of the Jews.” – Quote
– - Mr. Benjamin Freedman, a Jewish industrialist born in New York, wrote in the Economic Council Letter published there of October 15 1947: “These Eastern European Jews have neither a racial nor a historic connection with Palestine. Their ancestors were not inhabitants of the Promised Land. They are the direct descendants of the people of the Khazar Kingdom. The Khazars were a non-Semitic, Turko-Mongolian tribe.” Mr. Freedman was challenged, unwisely, by a Zionist objector; he invited his challenger to go with him to the Jewish room of the New York Public Library. There they could together examine the Jewish Encyclopedia volume I pp. 1-12, and the published works of Graetz, Dubnow, Friedlander, Raisin and many other noted Jewish historians, which, as well as other non-Jewish authorities, “establish the fact beyond all possible doubt”.’
~ Somewhere South of Suez (1950) pp349-350.”