US-UK Antagonism of Russia Threatens to Pull NATO Apart at the Seams
- US-UK Antagonism of Russia Threatens to Pull NATO Apart at the Seams
by Morgan Artyukhina,
The NATO alliance was formed by Western capitalist powers in 1949 as a deterrence to potential invasion by the Soviet Union. Dependent on the US for support, Western Europe had little other choice; however, in the 21st century, that they will have convergent interests can no longer be taken for granted.
On paper, the 30-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is united in its support of non-member Ukraine and opposition to a perceived threat of Russian invasion of Ukraine. However, in reality, the crisis is being driven by the United States, a North American power, and the United Kingdom, which sits off Europe’s western coast and is recently divorced from the European Union, experts told Sputnik.
‘Another Straw Onto the EU Camel’
Dr. Matthew Crosston, Executive Vice Chairman of, chief analytical strategist of I3, a strategic intelligence consulting company, and former director over all Intelligence Programs at the American Military University said that the US has continued to behave as if the Cold War never ended and refused to consider that Russia might have legitimate security interests that need to be acknowledged, respected and addressed.
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