The War On The ‘Unvaccinated’ is a Desperate Attempt to Demonize And Destroy The Control Group
#US #COVID19 Nov. 19 2020 vs. Nov. 19 2021
Pretty amazing the symmetry.
— Woke Zombie 😊 (@AWokeZombie) November 20, 2021
- The War On The ‘Unvaccinated’ is a Desperate Attempt to Demonize And Destroy The Control Group
by Jordan Schachtel,
The ruling class is very worried about non-compliant citizens.
I wanted to turn your attention to a side by side comparison map comparing the COVID pandemic of last year to this year. It is a true “photo is worth a million words” tweet from Rational Ground’s Woke Zombie: (top of post)
The symmetry is indeed amazing. And the conclusion, after over 600 days of COVID Mania, could not be more clear. Not a single “public health expert”-hailed mitigation or suppression measure, including the COVID shots, has done anything significant to solve the reality that lots of people get sick during their area’s annual respiratory season. This global war on a virus is going about as well as the War on Afghanistan went when it came to eliminating the Taliban.
The lockdowns failed to stop a virus.
The universal masking regime failed to stop a virus.
The millions and millions of societal restrictions and business closures failed to stop a virus.
And now it’s become pretty clear that the highly-touted “miracle” mRNA shots are failing to stop a virus. Instead of accepting this reality, world governments are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on the madness. Despite incredibly high compliance rates, with an estimated 7.5+ billion COVID shots delivered in arms, the mRNA “cure” has not lived up to its admittedly impossible to achieve standards.
In the span of 6 months, we went from:
“You’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations”
read more.
#Biden "you're not gonna get #covid after these #vaccinations " #SleepyJoe #JoeBiden #BidenIsALaughingstock #BidensBorderCrisis #coronahoax #BidenDisaster
— Hetvaltnietmee (@hetvaltnietmee) November 19, 2021
From the 6 month old archives. The science has changed so much!
CDC Director proclaims that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, do not get sick, and do not spread the virus.
Just a reminder of how much gaslighting is going on today!
— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) November 20, 2021
All three vaccines are 100 per cent effective against death and hospitalisation, Fauci says
— The Independent (@Independent) February 28, 2021
In Gibraltar 🇬🇮, the most vaccinated place on Earth, 100% of the population is vaccinated and 40% with booster, but:
👇— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 20, 2021
Austrian Police Randomly Check the Vaccination Status of Shoppers After Lockdown of Unvaccinated
— 🇨🇦1799🇨🇦🇺🇸🚓❤️ (@wa_kin_gup) November 16, 2021