Inflation Spikes Highest in 30 Years, Gold & Silver Up, Bonds in Danger
- GoldSilver Pros
CPI print today was 6.2%, the highest in 30 years. US Bond rates react to the news which means the Fed may have to get involved with interest rates faster than they wanted to. Likely this means a looming stock market correction. Gold and Silver spiked early on the news, we will follow their price movements throughout the day. Evergrande on verge of default on coming interest payment, reports already that two offshore holders have also not been paid. China engaging think tanks to solve the debt contagion issues with Evergrande, Kaisa, Sinic, et al. Also asking their state owned entities to buy the damaged property companies to stave off defaults. The global financial debt issues are coming center stage. We talk about it, and what comes NEXT.