National Security Alert: Thousands of U.S. Special Forces and Combat Troops Discharged as Total Force ‘Vaccination’ Decimates Military Readiness
- National Security Alert: Thousands of U.S. Special Forces and Combat Troops Discharged as Total Force ‘Vaccination’ Decimates Military Readiness
by David DeGraw, Global Research, October 14, 2021, In Defense of Humanity , via
We are experiencing the most devastating attack on the U.S. military in history!
An estimated 350,000 of our military service members are being dishonorably discharged for refusing to take a completely unnecessary and experimental mRNA nanotech injection, which is now proven to degrade immune systems and cause many serious side effects.
Committing Total Force to these reckless injections, which do not protect troops from getting COVID, and, in fact, increase the threat of the spread and result in many provable side effects, is the greatest failure of military leadership in our history, at best. At worst, it is a deliberate treasonous attack against the U.S. military by the top of the Chain of Command.
To make matters even worse, an estimated 450,000 service members have recently been injected with the non-FDA approved Pfizer shot, even though many were falsely led to believe that they were getting the FDA-approved version, which is not even available in the U.S..
The outright lies, confusion and shocking lack of knowledge and incompetence demonstrated over the past week throughout the Chain of Command, which is covered in our 4-hour video here, is a low point in U.S. military history.
As you are reading this, many of these coerced troops are now beginning to experience side effects and COVID infection rates are increasing throughout the force. Many pilots are now grounded because of high risks of blood clots and heart failure while flying.
An estimated 400,000 military service members did not want the nanotech injections but submitted to taking them because they couldn’t afford to live without pay, benefits and the devastating scarlet letter of a dishonorable discharge.
A dishonorable discharge has severe ramifications when it comes to being employed throughout the civilian workforce. It is essentially sentencing many of our troops to a life of low-wage work and poverty in the draconian mandate economy, which also now demands injections for many jobs, with all the severe economic sanctions under the guise of “public health” that they will now face in civilian life.
Based on our assessments, it is now clear the Global Private Military Complex has captured the top of the U.S. military Chain of Command and is systematically degrading the U.S. military as part of a worldwide strategy to weaken national civilian militaries.
Our military is their greatest adversary and primary target.
Make no mistake, to dishonorably discharge thousands of our most elite fighting forces is a blatant Act of War against the American people. The all-out systemic attacks against the American people are Acts of War.
There are so many outrageously corrupt activities and systemic abuses presently happening under the guise of “public health” throughout the government that it is now very obvious that the American people do not have any effective representation on the federal level.
The dishonorable discharge policy also makes it likely that many of our most elite fighting forces will now be inclined to take jobs as mercenaries in the Global Private Military Complex to support their young families – how convenient.
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