Colorado Hospital Denies Life-Saving Transplant Operations To The Unvaccinated In Growing Trend To Kill All Those Who Refuse The Vaccine
- Colorado Hospital Denies Life-Saving Transplant Operations To The Unvaccinated In Growing Trend To Kill All Those Who Refuse The Vaccine
by Geoffrey Grider,
UCHealth’s rules for transplants entered the spotlight Tuesday when Colorado state Rep. Tim Geitner (R) said it denied a kidney transplant to a Colorado Springs woman because she was not vaccinated against the coronavirus. Calling the decision “disgusting” and discriminatory, Geitner shared a letter that he said the patient received last week from UCHealth’s transplant center at the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus in the city of Aurora. The letter said the woman would be “inactivated” on a kidney transplant waiting list and had 30 days to start coronavirus vaccination. If she refused to be vaccinated, it said, she would be removed.
A Colorado-based health system says it is denying organ transplants to patients not vaccinated against the coronavirus in “almost all situations,” as COVID vaccine death panels surging.
They thought they could institute the Nazi-like ‘death panels’ with the rollout of Obamacare, but try as they might, the American people rejected it. But that was then, and this is now, and COVID might just be the ‘golden ticket’ they’ve been looking for. Bill Gates has been calling for depopulation for nearly two decades now, and the COVID-19 vaccine that he personally helped finance is looking like his demonic dream might finally come true.
“And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.” Genesis 49:1 (KJB)
In case you’re wondering, the “they” in this story today is the New World Order, made up of Liberals and Democrats absolutely, but certainly not limited to those two groups. Last month, Joe Biden famously ordered life-saving medicine be withheld from Red states, there was some outrage at that but precious little. Now you’re about to see hospital systems all across America begin denying treatment to the unvaccinated. They’re already firing nurses and doctors who refuse the vaccine, kind of funny behavior for a ‘pandemic’, right? Last year’s ‘front line heros’ have become this year’s Public Enemy #1.
Here’s something else that’s funny, now that COVID rates are dropping, Google has stopped updated their daily statistics. All this for a disease that still has a 98.8% recovery rate. Withholding medical treatment to the unvaccinated is demonic and evil, and as long as you stay silent and accept that, they will continue to do it on ever-increasing levels. Welcome to World War III, with vaccines instead of machine guns, and microbes instead of missiles. Exactly as Bill Gates told you it would be.
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