Tucker Carlson Says Vaccine Mandate is ‘a Takeover of the US Military’ Meant to Flush Out Christians & Freethinkers — Promoting Satanism
Tucker Carlson reveals a powerpoint from the U.S. Army justifying vaccine mandates with a slide that says "How many children were sacrificed to Satan for the vaccine?" along with listing the 7 tenets of Satanism pic.twitter.com/a6SmmNwLvS
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 21, 2021
- Tucker Carlson Says Vaccine Mandate is ‘a Takeover of the US Military’ Meant to Flush Out Christians & Freethinkers
by https://www.rt.com/
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has claimed that the Pentagon’s vaccine mandate is actually a ruse to rid the military of anyone who doesn’t meet the government’s new standards, including Christians and Republicans.
On Monday evening, conservative Carlson took aim at the Pentagon’s recently introduced vaccine mandate for all active-duty service members. He suggested that Joe Biden’s government had a dark reason for pushing the Covid-19 shots on US troops – and it wasn’t just about inoculation from the virus.
“The point of mandatory vaccination is to identify the sincere Christians in the ranks, the freethinkers, the men with high testosterone levels and anyone else who does not love Joe Biden – and make them leave immediately.”
Carlson claimed that the move amounted to a “takeover of the US military.”
He also displayed fact sheets presented to troops on vaccination, which he said included lies and a “sympathetic portrayal of Satanism.” One image from a slideshow apparently used by the US Army asks “how many children were sacrificed to Satan for the vaccine?” – a seemingly ironic reference to conspiracy theories about the vaccine’s creation.
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