Expect An ‘Endgame Level False Flag’ Ahead As All They Need Is ‘One Huge Event’ To Cement Tyranny Into Place While Biden Regime Heavily Arms Terrorists With US Taxpayer Funded Arsenal
- Expect An ‘Endgame Level False Flag’ Ahead As All They Need Is ‘One Huge Event’ To Cement Tyranny Into Place While Biden Regime Heavily Arms Terrorists With US Taxpayer Funded Arsenal
by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die, https://allnewspipeline.com/Home.php
With the 20th anniversary of 9/11 just over a week away and Joe Biden’s abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan stirring up a ‘s’ storm in not only the Middle East but in America and across the planet, the time is ripe for a massive false flag event in the coming days with Biden’s regime flying who knows exactly how many potential terrorists into America while they leave our Southern border wide open for exactly who knows how many illegal immigrants.
As The New American reported in this new story titled “Shocking Report: Military Is Flying TERRORISTS Out of Kabul — and INTO America”, while American citizens stuck in Afghanistan had been required to fill out an online form to be evacuated, a report informs that massive numbers of Afghans are being flown out of Kabul without any proof of identification whatsoever.
Warning within that story that at least 100 of those Afghan refugees were on terror watch lists, and at least one of those who had been ‘evacuated’ (while Americans have still been unable to get out of that quagmire) apparently worked directly for the Islamic State, that story also warned and asked:
“In fact, of the 100,000 people evacuated thus far from Afghanistan, only 5,000 have been American citizens. How many of the other 95,000 will commit terrorist acts in the West? Time will tell — even if our government won’t.”
And with Biden’s regime not only flying potential terrorists into the country on the American taxpayer dime, but as Pamela Geller reported in this new story over at the Geller Report that Steve Quayle linked to on his website Thursday morning, quite literally giving away to the Taliban the arsenal of American weaponry now owned by them being more lethal than that of many entire countries, we’re given another hint that ‘something nasty this way comes’.
Because if we are supposed to believe the ‘official story’ that we’ve been told about 9/11/2001, that a well-coordinated series of terrorist attacks by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon and into a field near Shanksville, Pa, and we’re supposed to believe that 9/11 WASN’T some kind of elaborate false flag to usher in everything we’ve seen in America since then, just imagine what they’d be able to accomplish now with all of this US weaponry! From Geller’s story.:
The U.S. sent nearly 600,000 small arms, 76,000 vehicles and 208 airplanes to Afghanistan. The most recent quarterly report of the U.S.-led military coalition documented deliveries of 174 Humvees, nearly three million rounds of ammunition, and nearly 100,000 2.75-inch rockets during the period.
Materiel the Islamic group gained huge trove, including thousands of assault rifles, thousands of armored vehicles, dozens of aircraft, tanks, artillery, sniper rifles, night-vision goggles , U.S.-made Humvees, helicopters, drones and much more.
The Taliban now have more Black-hawk helicopters than Australia.
So with the DHS recently warning that so-called “White Americans Support The Taliban And Are Poised to Carry Out Terror Attacks At Any Moment”, as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, and the DHS using the same tactics against the American people that ‘our globalist overlords’ used to smear all Muslims as terrorists in order to launch the War on Terror in the Middle East, law abiding patriotic Americans all across the country are being demonized as the globalists fully launch their new ‘domestic war on terror’ here at home, aimed at countless American citizens who were born here, and have fought for the country, with many dying.
read more.