Vaccine Passports Aren’t About Vaccines At All
- Vaccine Passports Aren’t About Vaccines At All
by Stand for Health Freedom,
Alison McDowell on how digital identity opens the gates to military tech domination of our children
A world where we accept digital identities, is a world where our children and their minds are commoditized. Digital identities limit privileges and mobility in the world, including well beyond medical decisions. Selling bodily autonomy to big tech and big industry comes at a great cost to our children and to our ability to be a good relative.
At Stand for Health Freedom, we stand for the God-given sacred relationship between parent and child, person and God and person and every other living thing. Complying with programs such as vaccine passports that require a digital identity opens the doors to a level of domination that will also reach into the realm of homeschooled and unschooled children.
Alison McDowell is a mother, writer, former teacher and dedicated investigative researcher studying the working parts of the World Economic Forum’s declared “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and the global takeover of industries and public policies by the central banks, multinational corporations, big tech technocrats and billionaire funded foundations.
Her insights are invaluable for today. As a former teacher, she started investigating educational systems in Pennsylvania and subsequently took a deep dive into issues she saw with students’ data and data privacy. From there, she started looking at economic funding mechanisms, big tech, etc., and what she found is both fascinating and highly concerning.
Alison has rare insights on what is actually happening in the world from a systems point of view. Her level of awareness empowers everyone who listens to step through this historical and critical time as a free and sovereign individual.
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