THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION—PART 26: First Incursion of the Chariots of the (Fallen Star) Gods
- THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION—PART 26: First Incursion of the Chariots of the (Fallen Star) Gods
by SkyWatch Editor,
Birds skipped among groves of date palms along the marshy banks of the Euphrates in the year 3500 BC. As the sun arose above Sumer, the alluvial desert of the Middle East came alive with agricultural activity. In a valley forged between the twin rivers of the Tigris and the Euphrates, magnificent walled cities awoke to the chatter of busy streets and marketplaces. In what the Greeks would later call “Mesopotamia” (between the rivers), the world’s first great trade center and civilization had developed. The opulent Sumerian cities of Ur (the home of Abram), Uruk, and Lagash had become the economic machines of the ancient Middle East, and industries from as far away as Jericho, near the Mediterranean Sea, and Catal Huyuk, in Asia Minor, competed for the trade opportunities they provided. Laborers from the biblical city of Jericho exported salt into Sumer, and miners from Catal Huyuk prepared obsidian, used in making mirrors, for shipment into the ancient metropolis. But while the prehistoric people of the East looked to the Sumerians for their supply of daily bread, the Sumerians themselves gazed heavenward, as they had from time immemorial, to the early rising of Utu (Shamash), the all-providing sun god, as he prepared once again to ride across the sky in his flying chariot. And, in 3500 BC, Utu was not alone among the gods. By now, the Sumerian pantheon provided the earliest known description of organized mythology, consisting of a complex system of more than three thousand deities covering nearly every detail of nature and human enterprise. There were gods of sunshine and of rain. There were vegetation gods, fertility gods, river gods, animal gods, and gods of the afterlife. There were the great gods—Enlil (prince of the air), Anu (ruler of the heavens), Enki (the god of water), and so on. Under these existed a second level of deities, including Nannar the moon god; Utu the sun god; and Inanna, the “Queen of Heaven,” a mother goddess who much later would be called by some, “Mary, the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of Jesus Christ.”
Having so noted—and this is the big question—where did the gods of Sumeria come from? Since the religion of Sumeria was the first known organized mythology and would greatly influence the foundational beliefs of the forthcoming nations of Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, the ancient Hebrews, and others, this question has interested scholars and historians for more than a millennium. Specifically, where does one find the historical beginning of the ancient gods of Sumeria? Were the Sumerian deities the product of human imagination or the distortion of some earlier prehistoric revelation? Were they the “mythologizing” of certain ancient heroes or, as some believe today, the result of an extraterrestrial “alien” visitation whose appearance gave birth to the legends and mythological gods? Equally important, did the sudden appearance of these deities reflect a literal intrusion into man’s reality by supernatural power, or were they purely the creation of primitive imaginations?
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