Harvard Physicist Suggests Earth Needs Treaties with Extraterrestrial Civilizations to Avoid ‘A Cosmic Catastrophe’

- Illuminist (Satanic) social engineers rule this world via subtlety and deception! They are pushing the “Good Aliens” Satan and his fallen angels and “Evil Aliens” the Lord Jesus Christ on His 2nd Coming – PSYOP, Satanic HOAX!
– - Harvard Physicist Suggests Earth Needs Treaties with Extraterrestrial Civilizations to Avoid ‘A Cosmic Catastrophe’
by STACY LIBERATORE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/
* Harvard physicist Avi Loeb warns alien civilizations could have the ability to make machines capable of destroying Earth
* Loeb uses the example of a particle accelerator that could create dark energy energy explosion that would destroy everything in its path
* In order to keep the peace in space, Loeb suggests interstellar treaties
* The treaty would follow the same laws as the 1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
* This banned countries from testing nuclear weapons on Earth and in space
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