THE GREAT DELUSION IS COMING… And, As Dr. Thomas Horn Has Been Disclosing, THE JESUIT REVIEW MAGAZINE Now Confirms Catholic Scholars Are Eager To Embrace ET Theology
- THE GREAT DELUSION IS COMING… And, As Dr. Thomas Horn Has Been Disclosing, THE JESUIT REVIEW MAGAZINE Now Confirms Catholic Scholars Are Eager To Embrace ET Theology
by SkyWatch Editor,
With the stunning “60 Minutes” segment on UFOs this week, it is now fair to say not only that we have something close to strong evidence that we are not alone in the universe but that the idea has gone mainstream. Did Jesus die for aliens too? Or would they need their own Incarnation and savior? Or maybe they didn’t have a primeval original sin that disordered their nature and environment and therefore wouldn’t have the “happy fault” that produced our particular history of salvation? Are they governed by our sense of right and wrong or would it be quite different? Or would they be capable of sinning at all? Far from being a kind of backbreaker for religious faith, our becoming aware of the existence of other rational creatures in the cosmos would likely reinvigorate theological inquiry quite dramatically, and the church’s intellectual tradition on these questions would be brought to bear in exciting and important ways. So bring it on, director of national intelligence and Pentagon. Let’s see what you got. The Catholic intellectual tradition stands ready to help humanity interpret and process the fact that we are not alone in the universe… (READ MORE)