Operation Mockingbird Still At Play – New Report Shows Spy Agencies Still Control Media Content And Allowed To Disseminate Fake News Without Verification Or Confirmation
- Operation Mockingbird Still At Play – New Report Shows Spy Agencies Still Control Media Content And Allowed To Disseminate Fake News Without Verification Or Confirmation
by Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine
Operation Mockingbird for those that have never heard of it, was a CIA program that recruited reporters to write fake news stories to disseminate to the public in order to push a narrative that U.S. intelligence agencies wanted Americans to believe. Whether that narrative was true or not.
While the official Operation Mockingbird is still referred to as an “alleged” program,” congressional testimony and other public statements regarding the program, were documented.
Before going into recently published details of how this operation is still at play present day, in practice if not by name, the short video below includes some congressional testimony, and acknowledgement by Sig Mickelson, CBS News President from 1954 to 1961, of the CIA’s infiltration of major U.S. news organizations.
As ANP and other Independent Media outlets have extensively documented the unprecedented amount of “news” stories that contained no named sources other than “high level official,” or “intelligence agency official,” that garnered viral attention.
Some of the public later found out the information was fake, the story inaccurate, to the point in some cases where total deletions were made, corrections offered weeks and even months later, when no one would see them, and journalists were forced to resign. Recently, progressive journalist Glenn Greenwald highlighted an article/book excerpt that he called “One of the most important articles this month.”
His full statement was “One of the most important articles this month is this book excerpt, published by NYT, describing how private spy agencies (GPS) manipulate journalists to publish false information, such as the Steele Dossier.”
He then continued with “The Steele Dossier shaped US politics for 4 years. Journalists now will pretend they mocked the salacious parts — they didn’t — but the core fraud of it contaminated everything. The most gullible ones who promoted it — @Maddow , @NatashaBertrand , @DavidCornDC — were rewarded.”
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