‘CNN News’ Writer Claims “Not Possible” To Assign Gender At Birth
- ‘CNN News’ Writer Claims “Not Possible” To Assign Gender At Birth
by Alexander Desanctis via NationalReview.com, via https://www.zerohedge.com/
In an article reporting on Kristi Noem’s decision to veto the “Fairness in Girls’ Sports” bill, CNN breaking-news reporter Devan Cole claimed yesterday that there’s no way to determine a child’s “gender identity” at birth.
“It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth,” Cole asserted, in a statement better fit for an unhinged opinion article than a news article by a breaking-news reporter.
In fact, as most of us are willing to acknowledge, for all of human history we’ve all relied upon a very simple way of actually knowing sex at birth.
The concept of “assigning” sex at birth, far from being based on any “consensus criteria,” is a progressive invention designed to inculcate new parents into believing that a child’s biological sex and gender are sometimes, or even often, misaligned, and that it would be damaging to them to merely accept the reality of their biology at birth.
read more.
CNN is a parody website pic.twitter.com/djUrqI0jlt
— B (@aheapofthings) March 30, 2021
There is indeed consensus for knowing biological sex at birth: just gotta look between the legs, it's really not that hard.
— Just a Fluffy Shiba Inu 🇺🇸 🇫🇷 🇰🇭 (@fluffy_shibainu) March 31, 2021
You… you do know women can get ultrasounds while the baby is still in utero to find out the sex of their child, right? The criteria is pretty cut and dry here.
— Krizzと (@konkarrne) March 31, 2021