Saudis Say Temple Mount and Al Aqsa Not Important to Islam

- Saudis Say Temple Mount and Al Aqsa Not Important to Islam
In further departure from Palestinian narrative, Saudis recognize Jewish connection to the Temple Mount
Palestinian politicians, clerics and terrorist warlords tireless invoke the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa Mosque as a rallying cry to stir up pan-Muslim emotions against Israel. The Jews are threatening to “Judaize” this Islamic holy site, claim the Palestinians, even as they reject the biblical history of Mount Moriah.
But according to a bunch of Saudis and other Middle East Arabs on social media, the Temple Mount and even, gasp(!), Al Aqsa itself aren’t all that holy to them. Last week on Twitter, Saudis conducted a campaign promoting Islam’s true holy sites, Mecca and Medina, while downplaying the importance of Jerusalem in their religion. (See: Islam’s Dome of the Rock in a Synagogue?)
One of the more viral tweets was posted by Saudi cartoonist Fahd al-Jabiri, who wrote that “the direction of the prayers of the Jews is not important to us, what is important to us is only our homeland.” By referencing the “direction of the prayers of the Jews,” al-Jabiri implicitly recognized the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount, thus contradicting the Palestinian narrative on the matter.
An English-language tweet from Morocco really got people heated by not only emphasizing that the Temple Mount is of no particular importance to Muslims, but also by expressing hope that the Third Jewish Temple will soon be built there.
There were a flood of tweets expressing support and even love for Israel. Most were in Arabic, but the few in English were no less heart-warming. One reacted to a previous tweet calling Jerusalem the “occupied” Palestinian capital. The Saudi corrected the original by noting that Jerusalem is actually the “eternal capital of the Jewish people.”
read more.
Dear brothers and sisters, join the Saudi hashtag "قبلة_اليهود_لاتعني_لنا#". This recent Saudi twitter movement believes that there is no importance of the temple mount to Muslims, and the waiting for the [Jewish] third temple.
A new era, one of peace🕊️💙#قبلة_اليهود_لاتعني_لنا— אבתיסאם 🇮🇱🕊️💙🇲🇦 إبتسام Ibtissam Zeğiga (@IbtissamZegiga) March 4, 2021
Hey look! It’s the eternal capital of the Jewish people!#قبلة_اليهود_لاتعني_لنا
— Khalid Faisal Khalid Alakoor Al-Hudhayli Albogami (@fkjms73) March 7, 2021