Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Investing News This interview was filmed on February 24, 2021. Silver surged into mainstream headlines in late January as the “silver squeeze” narrative took hold, but what’s happened to the white metal in the weeks since then? Nick Barisheff, president and CEO of BMG Group, said the story is still alive and well. In his …
Yellen backs new allocation of IMF’s currency to aid in recovery by Reuters via , 25 Feb 2021 The global economy is at risk of a ‘dangerous and permanent divergence’, the secretary of the US Treasury warned G20 officials. – United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday threw her support behind a new …
X22 Report Today’s Guest: Bob Kudla Bob is the created and owner of Trade Genius Academy. Bob begins the conversation with bitcoin. Bitcoin is now rising and it will not stop. The [CB] is now panicking over another currency and they will try to stop it by using information or any other method. Bob believes …
Stansberry Research China is on course to become the first country to roll out a digital version of its currency, our Daniela Cambone speaks with best-selling author Gordon Chang about the significance and importance of the move. “This is not a cryptocurrency— this is a central bank currency, which means the People’s Bank of China …
Palisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes Chris, founder of Technical Traders, back to the show. Chris explains his sector trading strategy and their approach to determining which sector and stocks to invest in next. To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit - Chris provides us with an overview of …
“CTA Selling Of Bonds Has Gotten So Relentless It Looks A Little Unnatural” by Tyler Durden, Yesterday, when looking at the latest CTA positioning, we said that “CTAs Are The Most Short Treasurys Since 2018… And Getting Shorter” warning that we could see a massive flush if and when the 10Y broke above 1.50%. …
Passage Of The ‘Equality Act’ Will Make The Bible A Banned Book With Christians In Prison For Preaching The Gospel Of The Grace Of God by Geoffrey Grider, In a letter sent Friday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the CJV argued that according to the Equality Act, a person is …
Is Hyperinflation On The Horizon? by From time-to-time historically, national authorities have resorted to financing by their central bank to cover budget shortfalls. Another word for this is monetization of debt or deficit-financing by the central bank. – Asset purchase (or “QE”) programs can be viewed as modern versions of deficit-financing. With them, central banks buy …
RT In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the Washington Post editorial concerned that the Fed chairman, Jerome Powell, and the Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, do something about bitcoin revealing the flaw of money printing. In the second half, Max interviews Mark Valek of about the growth in US …
Miles Franklin Top silver expert David Morgan says the silver market is broken. He’s never seen anything like this since Hunt Brothers. David online: Call Miles Franklin: 1-800-822-8080 Email Miles Franklin: – 0:00 Intro 0:38 Hunt Brothers-style mania 2:40 Silver market has changed 5:54 Bigger #SilverSqueeze coming? 10:48 Contracts standing for delivery 14:40 …
Bond Bloodbath Blows Up Stocks As Redditors-Revenge Hammers Hedgies (Again) by Tyler Durden, Bonds and stocks were both battered today… Today was the worst day for equity/bond investors since March 2020… Investors puked bonds today as several critical levels were breached… “This is analogous to a flash crash in Treasuries,” said Arthur Hogan, chief market …
Hamas Misrepresented in Mass Media: Israeli Historian by Ahmed Asmar, Participants in online seminar highlight resistance group’s efforts in Palestinian struggle, forging ties with countries – ANKARA The Palestinian resistance group Hamas is being misrepresented in the mainstream media, an Israeli historian said Wednesday. Ilan Pappe made the comments in an online seminar on …
maneco64 #inflation #dollar #federalreseve #QE #CPI #PCE #commodites #economy #M2 #stimulus #money – Today we will go over Fed Chairman Jay Powell’s comments to Congress about inflation and monetary policy. The conclusion for the day is that Mr Powell and his colleagues at the Federal reserve are more concerned about Wall Street and the Everything …
Arcadia Economics Short squeezes return hours after Fed goes down, while bond market gets clobbered again Would you believe that just hours after the Federal Reserve’s systems went down, that the short squeezes have returned again? GameStop is up over 100%, while there’s even increased attention on the silver crisis. Meanwhile, the bond market is …
Israeli Officials: Return to Nuclear Deal Will Increase Odds of War With Iran by Ariel Kahana , Erez Linn and Eldad Beck, Meanwhile, the International Atomic Energy Agency says Tehran has not yet answered questions on uranium particles found at two sites inspected last year. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell: Reviving the nuclear deal is …
maneco64 #dollar #treasury #bonds #yields #inflation #federalreserve #qe #stimulus #deficits Today we will look at the bond market and how it is starting to show signs that investors are losing confidence in not only U.S. fiscal policy but monetary policy. We will look at the bond market action today and how one of the Treasury’s …
Arcadia Economics Fed stops publishing weekly M1 data 1 day before outage Yesterday, the Federal Reserve banking system went down. And while this is most likely just a coincidence, what would you say if you found out that the FED stopped publishing their weekly M1 data, just ONE DAY BEFORE THEIR BANK TO BANK PAYMENT …
Kinesis Money In this week’s Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire details the correlation with a historical metric pointing to a potential astronomical increase in gold and silver prices. The precious metals expert breaks down why the SLV is unable to source enough 1000 oz silver bars to fill its baskets, and updates us on …