America’s Catastrophic Disintegration — Democrats Reject America and All Standards of Truth
- America’s Catastrophic Disintegration — Democrats Reject America and All Standards of Truth
by Paul Craig Roberts,
We can observe the disintegration of the United States in the Democrats’ 1930s-style Stalinist Show Trial of Donald Trump. Republicans provided the Senate with video proof that Democrats responded to their 2016 defeat with insurrectionist language whereas Trump did not respond to the stolen 2020 election with insurrectionist language. But in the Democrats’ Show Trial evidence is of no more importance than it was in Stalin’s Show Trials.
Republicans are treating the Democrats’ double-standard as hypocrisy, but it is much worse than that. It is proof of the insouciance of the American people that has resulted in the loss of standards of truth, civil liberty, and democracy. The ruling double-standards and indifference to evidence—indeed, the preference for lie in place of fact—are proof that American societal and governmental institutions have been completely corrupted. As Andrei Martyanov shows in his new book, America is disintegrating before our eyes.
The United States isn’t a nation any longer. It is a collection of peoples without a country. A nation requires a unifying spirit of the people, and the United States has no such unifying spirit. Martyanov observes that there is nothing in common between a white WASP farm worker from Iowa, a Jewish lawyer from Manhattan, and a black rapper from the Bronx. They view the world, America and their place in it differently, and those visions are irreconcilable.
Martyanov writes that “today, the United States is not a nation, certainly not in the traditional sense of having a dominant ethnic nationality, while the foundational American meme and myth of a ‘Melting Pot’ has turned out to be exactly that—a myth. America’s many ethnicities have not been assimilated to form a single nation, but rather are more aptly regarded as a salad bowl” of divergent interests. America is a tower of Babel standing on the shaky ground of Identity Politics. Such a multicultural diverse country does not have a national interest because unity is absent. A house divided cannot stand.
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