Tony Blair: ‘Inevitable’ GLOBAL Vaccine Passports Should Be Implemented Now
- Tony Blair: ‘Inevitable’ GLOBAL Vaccine Passports Should Be Implemented Now
by Steve Watson,
Complains that if nations do “their own thing” it will be “more chaotic and difficult to manage”
Former British Prime Minster Tony Blair has said that the British government should take advantage of the fact that it is to preside over the G7 this year to implement a global vaccine passport system.
Blair’s globalist institute issued a report urging the UK government to “place the creation of a global Covid-19 travel pass as a key item” on the G7 agenda. In an interview with the Telegraph, the Iraq war architect himself stated that vaccine passports are “inevitable” and that British government needs to “take the initiative” using its “fortuitous” G7 presidency, and implement a “critical first step” toward global adoption of the scheme.
Blair argued that without a global standard on vaccine passports, there could be two problems. “One is that everyone just does their own thing, which is much more chaotic and difficult to manage. Or secondly, there’s a set of rules in place that you may not be that happy with,” Blair said. What a horrible prospect, sovereign nations ‘doing their own thing’! Blair added that an international vaccine passport scheme is essential to “re-connect” the globe.
“It’s better to have common rules and a common verification system, so that people know what your disease status is and know it with some validation,” he said. “It’s going to be a new world altogether,” Blair proclaimed, adding “The sooner we grasp that and start to put in place the decisions [needed for a] deep impact over the coming years the better.”
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