The “War on Terror” Has Gone Domestic, And Patriots Are The New Targets
- The “War on Terror” Has Gone Domestic, And Patriots Are The New Targets
by Ethan Huff,
(Natural News) Many of our longtime readers will recall the repeated warnings we issued over the years about the “deep state” plot to vilify all conservatives and patriots as “terrorists.” It started with the “War on Terror” against foreigners that was launched immediately after 9/11, and is now coming full circle following the Capitol “riot” on Jan. 6 to include Americans.
It is now considered an act of “domestic terrorism” for at least half of America to merely protest, a categorization that simply would not have been possible apart from the “Patriot Act” and all the social engineering that came along with it. Nearly two decades later, what appears to have been the true intent of this “law” is coming into view: to destroy those who wish to live in a sovereign republic rather than a globalist democracy.
In order to maintain a “safe” and “secure” society, we are told that civil liberties and the Bill of Rights have to go. Allowing them could lead to another “insurrection,” after all, and that would just be scary. Consequently, Washington, D.C., had to be turned into what now looks like North Korea, and the Democrat-led legislature is crafting a Patriot Act 2.0 to prevent any future attempt at “violence” against the political oligarchy.
“This is all driven by a radical expansion of the meaning of ‘incitement to violence,’” writes Glenn Greenwald. “It is accompanied by viral-on-social-media pleas that one work with the FBI to turn in one’s fellow citizens (See Something, Say Something!) and demands for a new system of domestic surveillance.”
Should anyone dare to speak out against this authoritarian encroachment, the stage has already been set to label him or her a “sympathizer” of “terrorists” and “neo-Nazis,” along with the ever-dreaded “white supremacists.” This categorization alone is enough to scare the average American into silence, even if at the conscience level it becomes obvious that this is an affront to all Americans, regardless of political views.
The deep state is openly admitting that the first War on Terror laid the groundwork for this second one. Its aim is to purge all “extremists,” meaning anyone who refuses communism, from society. This is what the Capitol false flag attack was all about: crystallizing public perception in opposition to the idea of patriotism, which is now akin to terrorism.
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- Pastor Robert Jeffress Warns Lou Dobbs ‘The Left’ Will ‘Bring Out the Guillotines’ If Trump Loses Reelection
by Jun 12th, 2020, 7:14 pm,
Pastor Robert Jeffress, who once claimed Hillary Clinton supporters are going to hell, offered a different warning to Lou Dobbs for the upcoming election, claiming that if “the Left” will “bring out the guillotines” if President Donald Trump loses re-election.
Speaking with the Fox Business host, Jeffress praised the president’s handling of race and blasted the “Defund the Police” rallying cry some protestors have adopted in the wake of the alleged murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. Jeffress, a Baptist minister who is a staunch defender of Trump, has a history of unapologetically bellicose comments about abortion, homosexuality, as well as other religions, having claimed Mormonism and Islam are cults and “heresy from the pit of hell.”
“Yes, we need to extinguish the problem of racism. President Trump doesn’t have a scintilla of racism about him at all,” Jeffress claimed, despite Trump’s own track record of “textbook” racist comments about a Mexican-American judge and singling out African nations as “shithole countries.” “But the president was right yesterday and the last several weeks and also talking about the problem of a lawlessness in the Bible. And look, Lou — or in the country.”
Jeffress then turned to the growing demands for defunding of the police, to shift resources away from armed law enforcement. “This whole idea of dismantling the police is an absurd idea that leads to hurt not just in the white communities, but in African-American communities and throughout America,” Jeffress claimed. “You know, in Romans 13, the apostle Paul said government authorities are established by God. They’re ministers of God to execute punishment against those who do what is evil. And when Paul wrote those words, Rome was in control. They had executed Christ 30 years earlier. They would behead Paul, ultimately. Paul knew above all people that law enforcement doesn’t always get it right, but that is no excuse for eliminating law enforcement.”
Dobbs then railed against the Seattle CHAZ protestors as well as Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others who have called for the removal of statues of Confederate officials from public display in the US Capitol. “This is a moment in which we are watching irrationality, we’re watching great passions, and we are watching some of the most foolish language I’ve ever heard in this country,” the Fox Business host claimed.
“That’s the whole point,” Jeffress answered, before culminating his rant with a prediction that liberals or Democrats would undertake a campaign for mass executions if Trump is not re-elected in 2020. “I mean, once the left, if they succeed, they don’t only want to dismantle our current police, they want to replace our current police with the thought police who go around patrolling every thought that they find objectionable. And if the left ever gains control of this country again, I predict it’s going to be like the French Revolution. It’s going to be ‘bring out the guillotines’ and execute every thought they object to and every person who holds every thought that they object to. That is why what happens in November is so crucial. The future of our nation is at stake here.”
“It is, indeed,” Dobbs said in response to Jeffress’ incendiary claim.
Rick Wiles warns that a Jacobin revolution is brewing in America and will result in Christians being beheaded in the streets.
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) June 12, 2020