A Much Bigger Threat Than the COVID Lockdowns Will Be Soon Coming Our Way
- A Much Bigger Threat Than the COVID Lockdowns Will Be Soon Coming Our Way
by Dave Hodges, https://thecommonsenseshow.com/home
There is a lot going that dwarfs the COVID lockdowns, This article is going to capture this existential threat that almost nobody is dealing with. As ludicrous as this sounds, every resident on the planet is under threat from rogue, but intelligently controlled asteroids. I interviewed Steve Quayle last evening and we touched upon this subject. We have different source, but effectively, both Steve and myself have become aware that intelligently controlled asteroids have come into our solar system and are embedded in the asteroid belt and re awaiting deployment to the Earth.
To date, some of these asteroids have already been dspatched earth’s way, 5 asteroids to be exact. They are not large asteroids, however, they could ruin a lot of peoples day if they landed in your area.The largest deployed asteroid is under 85 feet.
There are some events, which on the surface may be playing a significant impact. First, there was a conference scheduled to be held at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January. Coincidentally, the planet is exploding in protests over the COVID lockdowns. The WEF was to tighten the grip they have over the planet and one of the intiatives to be introduced was a global digital currency. Why has this meeting been put on hold? It is my contention that a greater threat to the planet other than a New World Order takeover has emerged and I have come to believe that the Globalists are taking the path of least resistance in which they seem, for the moment, to be abandoning their plan of economic and cultural enslavement of the people in favor of debilitating asteroid strikes to be held in the near future, which would cripple any opposition movements.
In order to set the stage,it is critical to expose the fact that there are two secret space programs. Or, least there were until President Trump made one of the programs public so that he could get congressional funding for the program. This program sits in opposition to the other secret space program. We will come back to that in a moment. Here is some relevant background.
Brief Background
From 1985 to 2011, I was forced to be silent about what I learned about the Nazis and their exotic technology as manifested in various types of flying devices. In 1984-1985, when my father was suffering from a terminal illness, he told me of his classified work with Nazi scientists and the reverse engineering of their advances achieved at the end of World War II. He further revealed that the Nazi’s, to a person, believed that this technology was bestowed upon them by ET forces. Since that time, I have come to believe that the aliens are indeed “fallen angels” in the service of Satan.
In the late 1950’s my father was “early retired” from the Navy, six months early with full retirement benefits (unheard of), to move to Denver and work with captured German scientists in an attempt to reverse engineer their developments and also to develop their “drawing board” advancements with regard to potential space travel. The government could not have my father do this work as a military man because he could not invoke the 5th Amendment should Congress ever launch an investigation and interview the program’s participants. As a civilian contractor, my father could hide behind the veil of the 5th Amendment. In a very revealing set of articles, I disclosed the nature of my father’s work which I had to keep relatively secret until my mother’s passing in 2011. She was the beneficiary of his two retirements, both which would have been stripped away had it been discovered that my father revealed information that some did not want made public.
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