Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Biden Picks Sen. Kamala Harris As Running Mate by Sara Carter , Aug 11, 2020, Presumptive Democratic hopeful Joe Biden has chosen Senator Kamala Harris, D-CA, as his running mate, his campaign announced on Tuesday amid a flurry of speculation that would either be her or former Obama national security advisor Susan Rice. – …
Flashback: Kamala Harris Launched Her Political Career in Bedroom As Mistress of Married Mayor Willie Brown by Jim Hoft, Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris as his running mate on Tuesday. For the record: We completely expect the tech giants to censor and shadow-ban this report as they have to our previous reports on Kamala …
China’s Central Bank Has Quietly Launched Its Own QE by Tyler Durden, Earlier this week we discussed the striking difference between virtually every western central bank balance sheet – of which the Fed’s is a prime example – all of which have grown at a staggering pace over the past decades and especially since …
World Alternative Media Josh Sigurdson talks with Tim Picciott, The Liberty Advisor about the latest collapse in silver and gold prices as we see obvious signs of massive market manipulation as per usual. While the future looks great for silver and gold, the price of silver and gold is falling substantially following near record highs …
Indian Government To Launch Mandatory Digital Health Card On Bill Gates Concept by GreatGameIndia, via The Indian government is planning to launch a mandatory digital health card modeled on Bill Gates’ concept. Under the ‘One Nation One Health Card’ scheme, a person’s medical history records, including all the treatments and tests that the person …
Israel Attacks Hamas Targets in Gaza by Hamdi Yildiz |13.08.2020, GAZA CITY The Israeli army bombed positions of the Palestinian group Hamas early Thursday in the blockaded Gaza Strip, Anadolu Agency correspondents on the ground reported. Israeli warplanes struck positions belonging to the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing. No information was …
Even While On Holiday On His Jet Ski, ‘Man of Sin’ Emmanuel Macron Cannot Seem to Get Away from The Number 666 Following Him Around by Geoffrey Grider, During his stay so far, Mr Macron has met with Gisèle Charles, an 80-year-old widow, where he promised more pay for home carers. He also paid a …
Towards a US-China War? The Creation of a Global Totalitarian System, A “One World Government”? by F. William Engdahl, Is this a Remake of the 1941 Hitler Stalin Great War? If we step back from the details of daily headlines around the world and try to make sense of larger patterns, the dominant dynamic …
Half of Moderna’s Coronavirus Vaccine Owned by NIH? by Ethan Huff, Axios and Public Citizen have obtained new documents suggesting that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) owns half of the key patent on Moderna’s up-and-coming vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). – Should the vaccine come to market, the NIH will reportedly collect half of the royalties …
Dr. Andrew Wakefield Warns About Coronavirus Vaccines And Outrageous Legal Immunity for Vaccine Makers in Must-See Interview by Mike Adams, (Natural News) Dr. Andrew Wakefield, creator of the bombshell new film “1986: The Act,” unloads on the deep corruption of the criminal vaccine industry in a new Brighteon Conversations interview (above). – As he …
nemesis maturity PERSEID METEOR ALERT: The Perseid meteor shower peaks tonight. Caused by debris from giant comet 109P/Swift Tuttle, the annual shower sometimes produces more than 100 meteors per hour. This could be such a night. The best time to look is during the hours before local sunrise when the constellation Perseus is high in …
GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney) Download Mike’s best-selling book for free here: get Chris Martenson’s book here: Are you planning on inflation, deflation or crisis? That’s the question answered by Mike Maloney, Jeff Clark and Chris Martenson in today’s video update. Also covered – the precious metals pullback, increasing strains on the global economy, …
Arcadia Economics A lot of financial market commentators have talked about how the silver price has been rising recently. Although is it possible that a more helpful way of thinking about the situation, is that it’s not the silver price that’s changing, but the value of the dollar that’s declining. Scott Craig of The Silver …
This Global Depression Will Be Brutal – Tens Of Millions Of Americans Can’t Pay Their Bills And Are In Danger Of Eviction by Michael Snyder, Most of us have never experienced anything like this in our entire lifetimes. Fear of COVID-19, endless civil unrest in major U.S. cities and a whole host of other factors have …
Robert Jeffress: Evangelicals Who Vote for Biden Have ‘Sold Their Souls To The Devil’ by He Says Only Those Who Have ‘Accepted The Democrats’ Barbaric Position On Abortion’ Will Vote For The Former Vice President. – Dr. Robert Jeffress, a surrogate for President Donald Trump, told FOX Business Network’s Lou Dobbs on Monday that …
Spiro Skouras A former insider who worked at YouTube / Google, Zach Vorhies shares his story about what he uncovered while working for the tech giant. Zach Vorhies became a whistleblower after he discovered what he believed to be high crimes committed by Google against entire nations, including the United States. Google sent the police …
Ben Swann Yale University is conducting a study to figure out how to best create effect “messaging” in order to convince Americans to take the upcoming C0VlD vaccine. In reality, their methods are nothing short of manipulation. We break them down in detail. end
The asteriod 2018 SV13 supposed impact on 22 Sep 2020 is highly questionable? See video below. Asteriod 2018 VP1, based on the data, appears to be a direct hit on planet Earth on 2 Nov 2020. See video bottom of post.
Going Underground on RT On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to legendary journalist and filmmaker John Pilger. He discusses the Coronavirus pandemic and it’s damage to the U.K., the scandal of some of the most vulnerable patients being thrown out of hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in the tens of thousands of …