Celeste Solum: “Wicked Problems” — Hydrogel/Quantum Dot Can Erase Your Memory of God and His Creation from Your Brain
- Hydrogel/Quantum Dot Can Erase Your Memory of God and His Creation from Your Brain
by Celeste Solum, https://shepherdsheart.life/
This is a repost. Be wary my friends. Whether you believe hydrogel and Quantum Dots are the mark or not, they are death and destruction, under the banner of “peace and safety”. Today, I will be filming the proof. It will be my last public video. Beginning tomorrow my videos will be exclusively for my patrons, a those dedicated to their faith in Jesus and serious seeks of Truth. Link to Patreon site. Along with all the other dangers of hydrogel/quantum dot, we must now ask ourselves is it a tool that will erase God and His “old” world from our brains?
Hydrogel mimics human brain with memorizing and forgetting ability
by Hokkaido University
The hydrogel’s memorizing-forgetting behavior is achieved based on fast water uptake (swelling) at high temperature and slow water release (shrinking) at low temperature, which is enabled by dynamic bonds in the gel. The swelling part turns from transparent to opaque when cooled, enabling memory retrieval. Credit: Chengtao Yu et al., PNAS, July 27, 2020
Hokkaido University researchers have found a soft and wet material that can memorize, retrieve, and forget information, much like the human brain. They report their findings in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
The human brain learns things, but tends to forget them when the information is no longer important. Recreating this dynamic memory process in manmade materials has been a challenge. Hokkaido University researchers now report a hydrogel that mimics the dynamic memory function of the brain: encoding information that fades with time depending on the memory intensity.
Hydrogels are flexible materials composed of a large percentage of water—in this case about 45%—along with other chemicals that provide a scaffold-like structure to contain the water. Professor Jian Ping Gong, Assistant Professor Kunpeng Cui and their students and colleagues in Hokkaido University’s Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD) are seeking to develop hydrogels that can serve biological functions.
“Hydrogels are excellent candidates to mimic biological functions because they are soft and wet like human tissues,” says Gong. “We are excited to demonstrate how hydrogels can mimic some of the memory functions of brain tissue.”
read more.

666 The Mark Of The Beast Has Arrived
666 The Mark Of The Beast Has Arrived
Posted by Greg Reese's Pieces on Monday, April 20, 2020